Home Indian Come on, get to know the 6 benefits of fish oil for our body’s health!

Come on, get to know the 6 benefits of fish oil for our body’s health!

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Author: Umi Fatimah

Fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, is known to have a number of health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat and are considered “essential” fatty acids, because our bodies cannot produce them themselves so we have to get them from food or supplements.

There are 2 types of omega-3 contained in fish oil, namely asam eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and acid docosahexaenoic (DHA). These two types of omega-3 are different from acids alpha linolenic acid (ALA), namely omega-3 fatty acids contained in vegetable sources, such as chia seeds and walnuts.

Even though ALA is also an essential fatty acid, consuming fish oil which contains omega-3 EPA and DHA can provide more benefits for our body’s health.

So what are the benefits of fish oil for body health? Check out the further explanation below!

1. Healthy Heart

Overall, research shows that regularly consuming fish oil twice a week helps improve heart health.

Fish oil itself can reduce triglyceride levels and can reduce the chance of having a heart attack or stroke, especially if you eat lots of foods that contain omega-3.

Not only that, several studies also show that omega-3 contained in fish oil can lower blood pressure.

2. Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that occurs in one or several joints. This condition causes pain and stiffness in the joints.

A number of studies show that fish oil provides benefits in reducing the pain felt in arthritis sufferers. Even consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in arthritis sufferers can reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Supports the Health of Pregnant Women

Regularly consuming fish oil during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, turns out to be beneficial for supporting the formation of the fetus’s brain and nervous system.

Not only that, the omega 3 content in fish oil can also reduce the risk of asthma and food allergies in children in the future.

4. Helps reduce symptoms of depression

A recent study found that taking fish oil improved symptoms of depression, with effects comparable to antidepressant medications. Even other reviews show that fish oil can improve other mental health conditions, such as borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

Even so, more research is needed to test the effectiveness of fish oil in reducing symptoms of depression.

5. Improve memory

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil play an important role in brain function and development. In fact, a study shows that fish oil can improve brain function in people who have memory problems, such as people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia and impacts the sufferer’s brain function and quality of life. Consuming fish oil can help maintain brain cell structure and slow the risk of dementia in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Reduces Dry Eye Symptoms

Many people experience dry eyes, whether due to allergies, environmental factors, hormonal changes, or even eye strain from using digital devices.

When your eyes feel dry, one of the most common ways to treat it is to use eye drops or artificial tears. However, research shows that consuming omega-3 fatty acids (which are contained in fish oil) regularly can improve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

In addition, consuming fish oil can also soothe dry eyes by improving and regulating the function of the tear glands.

Even though it has good nutritional content and is beneficial for health, make sure you consume fish oil in the appropriate dosage. This is because consuming fish oil in high doses can actually trigger side effects, including the risk of bleeding and triggering an increase in blood sugar levels.

To be safer, you should consult a doctor first before buying and consuming fish oil supplements.

However, if you regularly eat fish, there may be no need to take fish oil supplements. By consuming various types of fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, you can help meet the body’s need for omega-3 fatty acids.

Nah, If you need recommendations for processed fish recipes for your daily menu, you can try making the various recipes that we present. Starting from various salmon recipes, sardine seasoning pindang recipe, tuna pizza recipe, and many other recipes that are easy to make. Come on, eat fish!

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
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