Home Japanese Building JOC Goods: My Journey

Building JOC Goods: My Journey

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JOC Goods is finally live! I’m here to share the journey of creating our new Japanese tableware and kitchenware brand with you.

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Today marks a very special milestone as we launch JOC Goodsa new division of our Japanese recipe website, Just One Cookbook.

If you are not on our newsletter or social media, JOC Goods is our new online shop, offering a curated collection of Japanese tableware and kitchenware—each piece handcrafted by local Japanese artisans.

To be honest, after working around the clock for the past six months, it feels surreal (and a little petrifying) to bring my latest labor of love into the world.

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Photography: Andy Cheng

Why JOC Goods? The Backstory

I’ve been running Just One Cookbook for almost 14 years, experiencing many ups and downs—happy tears from your heartfelt emails, a few kitchen mishaps, countless late-night filming and fixing website bugs, and near heart attacks whenever Google changes its algorithms.

Just One Cookbook is my life’s work, and I live and breathe it. So, you might wonder, why launch a new business selling tableware?

I feel the need to share the backstory because I owe it to many of you—my dear readers, who have been part of the JOC community and family. Also, putting this down in words helps me see how it all comes together.

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Passion Instilled at a Young Age

First, I have my mom to thank. Not only did she teach me how to cut vegetables and pack my own bento since I was seven or eight, but she also instilled in me the importance of setting the table for our family dinners.

She taught me that “food should be eaten with the eyes,” a common saying in Japan. We must admire the tableware and presentation before tasting the food. She believes in creating beauty in everyday life and has been collecting ceramics for a long time. When I helped her set the table, I was captivated by her treasured collection—how each piece elevated the dishes we prepared and cooked and how they made our everyday dining a special moment to share.

Each beautifully plated dish draws our attention to the food, reminding us to give thanks for everything provided as we begin our meal saying ‘itadakimasu.’

After starting my own family in San Francisco, I would shop for tableware and kitchenware on our annual visits to Japan and carry extra suitcases or boxes back home.

Many of you who follow Just One Cookbook social media may have seen pictures or videos in the past of my suitcases and boxes packed with all these fragile treasures!

Over time, my collection expanded, as did my understanding of the craft. It dawned on me that my love for this artistry was profoundly shaped by my mom—a connection that mirrors the deep appreciation many Japanese families have for their tableware.

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My Dream Inspired by You

When I used these plates, bowls, and chopstick rests for food styling and featured them in my photos and videos, many of you admired them and asked me where you could find these items.

Some of you expressed a strong desire to own similar pieces but didn’t have the opportunity to visit Japan and purchase them yourselves. Most of the time, these small shops don’t offer to ship outside of Japan.

That’s when I wished I could help. I realized that the appreciation for Japanese ceramics extends far beyond families in Japan.

My passion for Japanese ceramics runs deep and is rooted in my culture, but I know that you, too, share a passion for high-quality pieces handcrafted with care.

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Turning My Vision into a Reality

After months of planning, sourcing, and curating, the JOC Goods team and I traveled across Japan this past summer to meet the artisans and craftsmen with whom we work.

Along with our travel photographer and writer, Andy, we visited over 15 porcelain kilns as well as lacquerware and metal workshops.

During our visit, I had the privilege of observing and speaking with skilled artisans and craftsmen at work. Their dedication and attention to detail reflect the depth of their expertise in their respective crafts.

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Newfound Sense of Purpose

I was blown away by the enduring spirit of the craft. However, fewer young people are interested in pursuing these trades. The long work hours, years of apprenticeship, and demanding physical labor are considerable sacrifices.

I knew then that JOC Goods would be something bigger than my original vision. Watching these artisans at work touched a deeper part of my heart, inspiring me to share their valuable art and craftsmanship with the world.

With a newfound sense of purpose added to my lifelong passion, I felt compelled to pour my heart and soul into this new venture. And now, I’m excited to share JOC Goods with you.

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The Beginning of a New Venture

JOC Goods was born from a love of food and the experiences surrounding it. Thank you—my readers, my team, and my family—for planting the seeds of courage and giving me the wings to take flight. It would not have come to fruition without your love and support.

Lastly, Mr. JOC and I want to thank our team again. We couldn’t have done this without the hardest-working team we’ve ever had. They have helped us tirelessly throughout the journey to launch JOC Goods on time. Thank you!!

I hope you enjoy browsing our collections and find pieces that speak to you. Together, we will cook many more delicious recipes and express our creativity and love through the table.

I’m so glad you’re here with me on this journey!

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Stay Updated on JOC Goods

Sign up for JOC Goods newsletters when you visit the shop! Also, follow JOC Goods on Instagram and Facebook.

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