Home Indian 6 Special Stew Creations for Families

6 Special Stew Creations for Families

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Semur is the most popular typical Indonesian dish. This dish with thick brown gravy is indeed suitable as a side dish to accompany rice. Not surprisingly, stews are often used as a mainstay menu for various events and other celebrations.

Apart from the main ingredients of chicken and potatoes, stews can also be created in many variants by adding other ingredients to make the stew even more special. Nah, If you are interested in making home-style stews that are anti-mainstream, here are 6 special stew creations for the family that you can try making at home.

1. Milkfish Stew

Milkfish stew is deliciousMilkfish stew is delicious
Image: ResepKoki


Milkfish, cut into 3 parts – 1 kg

Lime – 1 piece

Lemongrass – 1 stalk

Galangal – 3 cm

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Orange leaves – 3 pieces

Salt – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Sweet soy sauce – 5 tbsp

Water – 250 ml

Frying oil – enough

Ground spices:

Garlic – 3 cloves

Shallots – 6 pieces

Curly red chilies – 3 pieces

Candlenuts, roasted – 2 pcs

Jahe – 3 cm

How to make:

  1. Wash the milkfish clean then coat with lime juice and salt to taste. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash it clean again.
  2. Heat the oil then fry the milkfish until cooked and dry. Lift and drain.
  3. Heat some oil. Saute ground spices until fragrant.
  4. Add lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves and lime leaves. Stir well.
  5. Add salt, sugar, ground pepper and soy sauce. Stir well.
  6. Pour water and mix well and cook until boiling.
  7. Add the milkfish. Stir well then cook again until it boils and the sauce is absorbed. Lift.
  8. Milkfish stew is ready to be served.


Let the milkfish, which has been smeared with lime juice and salt, rest for at least 15 minutes so that it doesn’t smell rancid.

2. Betawi Jengkol Stew

jengkol stewjengkol stew
Image: ResepKoki


Jengkol – 500 grams

Tomato – 1 piece

Cinnamon – 4 cm

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Sweet soy sauce (to taste) – 6 tbsp

Stock seasoning – 1/2 tsp

Salt to taste

Sugar – to taste

Ground spices:

Shallots – 7 cloves

Garlic – 4 cloves

Candlenuts – 2 items

Pepper – 1/2 tsp

Coriander – 1 tsp

Cumin – 1/4 tsp

Cloves – 3 pcs

Nutmeg – 1/2 piece

How to make:

  1. Boil the jengkol until cooked for approximately 2 hours. Remove the skin, split and flatten. Set aside.
  2. Saute ground spices, cinnamon and bay leaves until fragrant, then add water.
  3. Enter the jengkol. Add sweet soy sauce, stock seasoning and salt.
  4. Cook until soft, cooked, and the gravy thickens.


  1. Choose old jengkol so it can ripen perfectly.
  2. To reduce the smell of jengkol, soak jengkol in ice water (cold water or water with ice cubes added) for one night, before boiling.

3. Malbi Beef Stew

special stewed malbi beefspecial stewed malbi beef
Image: ResepKoki


Beef – 400 grams

Sweet soy sauce – 5 tbsp

Grated coconut, ground roasted – 1 tbsp

Tamarind juice – 1/2 tbsp

Brown sugar – 1 tsp

Cloves – 2 items

Cardamom – 2 grains

Cinnamon – 2 cm

Mushroom stock – 1/2 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Boiled water – enough

Ground spices:

Shallots – 10 cloves

Garlic – 4 cloves

Coriander, roasted – 1 tsp

Granulated pepper – 1/2 tsp

Nutmeg – 1/4 piece

Ginger – 1 segment

How to make:

  1. Saute ground spices, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon until fragrant.
  2. Add the meat, cook until it changes color.
  3. Add sweet soy sauce, tamarind juice and boiled water. Cover until soft.
  4. Add mashed grated coconut, salt, brown sugar and stock powder.
  5. Cook until the sauce thickens, adjust the taste. Serve.


  1. Use pork tenderloin, so it’s easy to tenderize.
  2. Be careful when adding salt. The thing is, the longer and thicker the sauce will be, the saltier it will be.

4. Meat Ball Stew

Delicious meat ball stewDelicious meat ball stew
Image: ResepKoki


Ground beef – 200 grams

Chicken egg – 1 item

Granulated sugar – 1 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Mushroom flavoring – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Soy sauce – 1 tbsp


Baby potatoes, wash thoroughly – 10 pieces

Quail eggs, boiled then peeled – 10 eggs

Onions, thinly sliced ​​– 1/2 piece

Garlic, thinly sliced ​​– 2 cloves

Tomato, sliced ​​– 1/2 fruit

Tomato sauce – 2 tbsp

Sweet soy sauce – 1 tbsp

Granulated sugar – 1 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Flavoring – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Margarine – 3 tbsp

Boiled water – 400 ml

How to make:

  1. In a container, combine all the meatball ingredients then stir well.
  2. Prepare quail eggs. Take a little of the meat mixture then wrap the quail eggs until they form a ball. Repeat until all the quail meat & egg mixture is used up.
  3. In a pan/skillet, heat the margarine. Add the meat balls and cook until golden brown. Lift and drain.
  4. In the same pan, use the remaining margarine to sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant.
  5. Pour in the water then add the meat balls, baby potatoes, sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir well.
  6. Cook until the potatoes are cooked and the spices are absorbed. Lift.
  7. Ready to be served.


If you want the meatballs to be more tender, add bread flour (a few tablespoons) to the mixture.

5. Eggplant Stew

Delicious eggplant stewDelicious eggplant stew
Image: ResepKoki


Purple eggplant, cut lengthwise – 300 grams

Lemongrass, bruised – 1 piece

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Sweet soy sauce – 5 tbsp

Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp

Salt – 1 tsp

Brown sugar – 1 tbsp

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Water – 100 ml

Oil, for frying – 3 tbsp

Frying oil – enough

Ground spices:

Garlic – 3 cloves

Shallots – 3 cloves

Large red chilies – 4 pieces

Candlenuts – 3 items

Coriander – 1 tsp

Ground nutmeg – 1/2 tsp

How to make:

  1. Heat lots of oil. Just fry the eggplant briefly. Lift and drain.
  2. Heat the oil. Saute ground spices until fragrant.
  3. Add lemongrass and bay leaf. Stir well.
  4. Add sweet soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, brown sugar, ground pepper and water. Stir well and cook until boiling.
  5. Add eggplant. Stir well and cook until the sauce reduces and is absorbed. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.


Don’t fry the eggplant for too long, just 3 minutes on each side so it doesn’t get mushy.

6. Chicken Gizzard Liver Stew

special gizzard chicken liver stewspecial gizzard chicken liver stew
Image: ResepKoki


Chicken gizzards, wash clean – 5 pieces

Lemongrass – 1 stalk

Ginger, bruised – 3 cm
Bay leaves – 4 pieces

Orange leaves – 10 pieces

Orange leaves – 10 pieces

Sweet soy sauce – 3 tbsp

Water – 200 ml

Oil, for frying – 2 tbsp

Ground spices:

Garlic – 2 cloves

Shallots – 5 pieces

Candlenuts – 2 items

Ground red chilies – 1 tbsp

Salt – 1 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Ground nutmeg – 1/4 tsp

Coriander powder – 1 tsp

How to make:

  1. In a saucepan, add the gizzard liver, lemongrass, ginger, bay leaves, lime leaves, salt and water. Boil for 10 minutes until the gizzard is cooked. Lift and drain.
  2. Heat the oil. Saute the ground spices until fragrant and cooked.
  3. Add the gizzard liver. Stir well.
  4. Pour in some water. Stir well.
  5. Add sweet soy sauce. Stir well and cook until the spices are absorbed and the sauce has reduced. Correct the taste. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.


Don’t cook for too long because the gizzard liver can harden.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at [email protected]

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