Home Indian 9 Typical Sundanese Food Recipes Most Popular with Tourists

9 Typical Sundanese Food Recipes Most Popular with Tourists

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For those of you who are fans of Sundanese cuisine, the following 10 easy and delicious Sundanese food recipes are a must try. Starting from staple foods to salty snacks, everything is presented in full on how to make it and the ingredients below.

Cook it No hard, kok. The taste served is also guaranteed to be no less delicious than that served in Sundanese restaurants. Yukfollow the recipe!

1. Bandung Sunda Grilled Rice

Savory Bandung grilled riceSavory Bandung grilled rice
Image: ResepKoki


Rice – 500 grams

Water – 450 ml

Thick coconut milk – 185 ml

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Lemongrass, crushed and knotted – 1 stalk

Ginger, crushed – 3 cm

Salt to taste

Anchovies, fried – 75 grams

Chicken breast, shredded boiled – 350 grams

Basil leaves – to taste

Sugar – to taste

Salt to taste

Shallots, thinly sliced ​​– 8 pieces

Garlic, thinly sliced ​​– 4 cloves

Ground spices:

Large red chilies – 3 pieces

Roasted candlenuts – 2 items

Turmeric – 3 cm

Galangal – 3 cm

How to make:

  1. In a rice cooker container, add rice, 450 ml of water, bay leaf coconut milk, lemongrass and ginger, cook until the rice is cooked. Set aside.
  2. Heat cooking oil, sauté the shallots and garlic, then add the ground spices. Cook until fragrant.
  3. Add a little sugar water and salt. Bring to a boil and let it cool down a bit.
  4. Once it has subsided a bit, add the shredded chicken, stir well.
  5. Just before lifting, add the basil leaves. Remove and set aside.
  6. Prepare 2 banana leaves (stack in two layers) then arrange 2 tablespoons of rice.
  7. Fill with chicken and anchovies, 2 tablespoons each and place in the middle of the rice.
  8. Roll the rice while compacting it, especially the left and right sides. Then twist the tip of the leaf and insert it inside.
  9. Continue grilling until the leaves are burnt and the leaves smell fragrant. Serve.


Don’t grill over high heat or too close to the fire, so that the leaves don’t burn.

2. Sundanese Goldfish Pepes

Fragrant Sundanese carp pasteFragrant Sundanese carp paste
Image: ResepKoki


Goldfish – 2 (1 kg)

Lime, take the juice – 1 piece

Salt – 1 tsp

Red cayenne pepper – 10 pieces

Tomatoes, cut into pieces – 2 pieces

Lemongrass, bruised – 6 stalks

Basil leaves – 100 grams

Spring onions, coarsely chopped – 2 stems

Bay leaves – 8 pieces

Cooking oil – 5 tbsp

Banana leaves for wrapping – as needed

Ground spices:

Shallots – 10 pieces

Garlic – 4 cloves

Red chilies – 3 pieces

Candlenuts, roasted – 5 pieces

Turmeric, roasted – 1 segment

Ginger – 1 segment

Galangal – 1 segment

Salt – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1 tsp

How to make:

  1. Clean the fish, remove the scales and inside the stomach. Split the fish into 2 parts, but don’t break them apart. Wash the fish clean with running water.
  2. Make several strokes on the fish’s body. Cover with lime juice and salt. Let it soak and set aside.
  3. Saute the ground spices in a little oil until fragrant. Turn off the fire.
  4. Add the fish to the sautéed spices. Coat all parts of the fish with spices evenly.
  5. Take banana leaves. Arrange the fish with inner leaves, lemongrass, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, basil leaves and spring onions. Put all the remaining stir-fried spices on top. Wrap it neatly, pin both ends with a toothpick.
  6. Steam the pepes over medium heat for 1 hour 30 minutes. Lift.
  7. Heat a flat frying pan and roast the pepes for approximately 10 minutes, turning them back and forth until the banana leaves are dry. Lift.
  8. Ready to be served.

3. Nasi Liwet Sunda Teri

Resep Nasi Liwet SundaResep Nasi Liwet Sunda
Image: ResepKoki


Rice – 500 grams

Enough water

Shallots, thinly sliced ​​– 5 cloves

Garlic, thinly sliced ​​– 5 cloves

Lemongrass, bruised – 2 stalks

Bay leaves – 3 leaves

Red cayenne pepper – 5 seeds

Salt – 1 tsp

Medan anchovies, cooked cooked – 50 grams

Fried Pete – 2 planks

How to make:

  1. Wash the rice and put it in the liwet pan. Pour water up to a fingertip.
  2. Add red onion, garlic bay leaf, lemongrass and salt. Stir until smooth.
  3. Arrange red chilies on top.
  4. Cover the liwet pan and cook until the water has reduced and the rice is cooked. Use a small stove fire.
  5. Before lifting, add the anchovies and fried petai. Cook the liwet rice again for 7 minutes. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.

4. Empal Gepuk

empal gepukempal gepuk
Image: ResepKoki


Beef (gandik part), cut lengthwise – 350 grams

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Lemongrass, bruised – 1 stalk

Galangal, crushed – 2 cm

Garlic, crushed – 2 cloves

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Pepper – 1/4 tsp

Air – 1 liter

Ground spices:

Shallots – 5 pieces

Garlic – 2 cloves

Candlenuts – 3 items

Coriander powder – 2 tsp

Ground nutmeg – 1/2 tsp

Brown sugar, shaved – 50 grams

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Other Materials:

Instant coconut milk – 1 pack (65 ml)

Bay leaf – 1 sheet

Tamarind juice – 1 tsp

Water – 350 ml

Oil for sautéing and frying – as needed


Fried shallots – to taste

How to make:

  1. Bring water to a boil. Boil the meat and all the stew ingredients until the meat is tender. Lift and drain. Rub the meat then set aside. Take 400 ml of the meat cooking water (broth) then set aside.
  2. Heat the oil. Saute ground spices until fragrant.
  3. Add the meat and all other ingredients, including the meat stock. Cook over medium-low heat until the water reduces.
  4. Heat lots of oil. Fry the meat until brown. Lift and drain.
  5. Ready to be served with a sprinkling of fried shallots on top.


  1. Cut the meat not too thick so that the spices can easily penetrate inside. But don’t make it too thin because the meat will fall apart when cooked again (after bruising it).
  2. Pay attention when frying because the gepuk meat quickly turns black due to the brown sugar content. Fry briefly over medium-low heat.

5. Karedok

delicious karedokdelicious karedok
Image: ResepKoki


Bean sprouts, wash clean – 50 grams

Long beans, wash clean and cut into small slices – 50 grams

Cabbage, wash clean and finely slice – 50 grams

Basil leaves, wash clean – 50 grams

Green round eggplant, wash clean and thinly slice – 2 pieces

Cucumber, wash clean and slice into thin squares – 1 piece

Ground spices:

Peanuts, fried – 150 grams

Brown sugar – 50 grams

Garlic – 1 clove

Red cayenne pepper – 2 pieces

Galangal – 4 cm

Shrimp paste, grilled – 1/2 tsp

Tamarind juice – 2 tbsp

Salt – 1 tsp

Water – 75 ml

How to make:

  1. In a large container, prepare the ground spices. Mix with water and stir until it becomes a paste.
  2. Add all the vegetables. Stir until smooth.
  3. Ready to be served.

6. Sambal Pencok Kang Panjang

delicious peanut saucedelicious peanut sauce
Image: ResepKoki


Long beans – 150 grams

Red cayenne pepper – 2 pieces

Curly red chilies – 5 pieces

Garlic – 2 cloves

Galangal – 2 cm

Shrimp paste, grilled – 1/2 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Brown sugar – 1 tsp

Basil leaves, pick the leaves – 3 sprigs

Lime – 1/2 fruit

How to make:

Wash long beans clean, cut into pieces about 1 cm.

Finely chop the chilies, garlic, galangal, shrimp paste, salt and brown sugar, add lime juice.

Add the long beans, stir while lightly pounded, add the basil, mix well.

Long bean pencok chili sauce is ready to be served immediately.


Choose long beans that are still young and fresh for a sweet taste.

7. Pancake Oncom

Practical serabi bandung oncomPractical serabi bandung oncom
Image: ResepKoki


Medium protein wheat flour – 250 grams

Egg – 1 item

Coconut milk – 300 ml

Instant yeast – 1/2 tsp

Baking powder – 1 sdt

Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Oncom Sambal:

Oncom, grilled then roughly chopped – 250 grams

Lime leaves, remove the leaf bones – 2 pieces

Bay leaf – 1 sheet

Salt – 1.25 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1/2 tsp

Water – 100 ml

Oil, for frying – to taste

Ground spices:

Shallots – 5 pieces

Garlic – 3 cloves

Large red chilies – 2 pieces

Red cayenne pepper – 3 pieces

Galangal – 2 cm

How to make:

Making Oncom Sambal:

  1. Heat the oil. Saute ground spices with lime leaves and bay leaves until fragrant.
  2. Enter oncom. Stir well.
  3. Add salt, sugar and water. Stir well. Cook until the oncom is cooked and the water has been absorbed. Lift.
  4. Ready to use.

Making Pancakes:

  1. In a bowl, mix flour, instant yeast, baking powder, sugar and salt. Mix well.
  2. Add eggs and coconut milk. Stir well then strain the mixture. Leave it for 30 minutes.
  3. Heat the pancake mold/pan. Pour the mixture and let it cook until air bubbles or pores appear on the surface of the pancake.
  4. Put 1 tablespoon of oncom chili sauce on top of the pancake. Close the mold/pan and let it cook until cooked. Lift.
  5. Ready to be served.


Oncom chili sauce must be cooked until dry and the water runs out so that the serabi doesn’t get soggy later.

8. Soto Bandung

Resep Soto BandungResep Soto Bandung
Image: ResepKoki


Steaked and typical deep beef, cut into pieces – 500 grams

Water – 2500 ml

Peeled radish – 2 pieces

Kaffir lime leaves torn into pieces – 3 pieces

Galangal – 3 cm

Salt – 1 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Ground spices:

Shallots – 5 cloves

Garlic – 5 cloves

Complementary Materials:

Soak soybeans for at least 2 hours then fry until dry – 50 grams

Finely sliced ​​spring onions – to taste

Finely sliced ​​celery leaves – to taste

Fried onions – enough

Sweet soy sauce – to taste

Lime – to taste

How to make:

  1. Boil water until boiling.
  2. Add the meat and let it boil and the dirt comes out, then discard the water.
  3. Boil the water again until it boils.
  4. Add the sauteed ground spices, bay leaves, ginger, galangal, lime leaves and meat. Cook until the meat is tender.
  5. Then add the radishes, salt, sugar and pepper, cook until the radishes are cooked.
  6. Serve with accompaniments.


  1. Use the special meat inside so it’s easy to soften, and also fry it so the soup tastes more delicious.
  2. Shred the lime leaves before using, so they are more fragrant.

9. Bandung Shaken Noodles

Resep Mie Kocok BandungResep Mie Kocok Bandung
Image: ResepKoki


Beef leg, wash clean – 1 piece

Air – 3 liter

Flat wet noodles, wash with clean water – 500 grams

Bean sprouts, wash with clean water – 250 grams

Shallots, puree – 5 pieces

Garlic, crushed – 5 cloves

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Orange leaves – 5 pieces

Jahe – 3 cm

Ground pepper – 1.5 tsp

Salt – 3 tbsp

Sugar – 1 tbsp


Fried shallots – to taste

Sliced ​​spring onions – to taste

Celery slices – to taste

Lime / lime slices – to taste

Chili sauce – to taste

How to make:

  1. Boil beef legs until tender. Remove and drain (don’t throw away the remaining cooking water). Cut into small pieces according to taste. Put it back into the cooking water. Bring back to a boil and set aside.
  2. Heat the oil. Stir-fry the red onion and the garlic until you can smell the scent. Remove then pour into the pot of beef leg stew. Stir well.
  3. Add ginger, lime leaves, bay leaves, salt, sugar and pepper. Stir well and cook until boiling. Correct the taste. Turn off the heat.
  4. Serve: Arrange the noodles and bean sprouts in a bowl. Give kikil/cow’s feet. Drizzle with sauce. Top with fried shallots, sliced ​​spring onions and sliced ​​celery.
  5. Ready to be served.


To avoid the hassle, you can ask the seller of the beef leg to cut it into several smaller pieces at the same time.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at [email protected]

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