Home Beverage 8 Takjil for Breaking the Fast, Delicious and Easy to Make

8 Takjil for Breaking the Fast, Delicious and Easy to Make

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Author: Atsa

The most delicious breaking of the fast is accompanied by sweet takjil. It can be used as dessert after breaking the fast, or as a first meal to fill the stomach before evening prayers followed by the main meal.

If you are looking for takjil ideas that are delicious and easy to make, you are on the right page! Here are 8 takjil recipes that you can follow.

1. Young Coconut Ice

Resep Es kelapa mudaResep Es kelapa muda
Image : ResepKoki


Young coconut meat, shavings – 250 grams (from 2 pieces)

Coconut water – 600 ml

Lemon juice – 2 tbsp

Coco pandan syrup – 6 tbsp

Ice cubes as needed

How to make :

  1. Prepare shaved coconut meat. Then put it in a large container.
  2. In the same container, pour coconut water. Add lemon juice and syrup.
  3. Stir all ingredients until smooth.
  4. Pour into a serving glass and add ice cubes to taste.
  5. Ready to be served cold.

2. It’s Lemon Tea

It's lemon tea to reapIt's lemon tea to reap
Image : ResepKoki


Black tea – 2 tbsp

Water for brewing tea – 200 ml

Granulated sugar – 50 grams

Water for making sugar syrup – 200 ml

Ice cubes – 200 grams

Honey – 2 tbsp

Local lemons – 2 pcs

How to make :

  1. Make Sugar Syrup: Bring water to a boil, add granulated sugar, stir until dissolved, strain and let cool.
  2. Cook the water until it boils, add the tea, stir briefly, turn off the heat. Leave for 3 minutes, then strain and cool.
  3. Squeeze 1.5 lemons. Slice (½ cm) the remaining half.
  4. Prepare a teapot, add the brewed tea, sugar syrup, lemon juice and honey, stir well.
  5. Serve in a serving glass with ice cubes and extra lemon slices.

3. It’s Alpukat

sweet avocado icesweet avocado ice
Image : ResepKoki


Ripe avocado – 2 pieces

Evaporated milk (1 can) – 380 grams

Nata de coco, and water – 250 grams

White sweetened condensed milk – 60 ml

Basil – 1 tbsp

Pandan paste – 5 drops

Ice cubes as needed

How to make :

  1. Scoop out the avocado flesh, set aside. Then soak the basil in water until it swells, set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, mix evaporated milk, nata de coco and its water, white sweetened condensed milk, and pandan paste. Stir until evenly mixed.
  3. Add the flesh of the avocado and basil and mix well.
  4. Add ice cubes or chill in the refrigerator.
  5. Avocado ice is ready to be served.

4. Jasuke

Jasuke is warm and deliciousJasuke is warm and delicious
Image : ResepKoki


Sweet corn, shelled – 3 pieces

Liquid milk – 250 ml

Keju cheddar parut – 30 grams

Grated cheddar cheese for sprinkling – 20 grams

Sweetened condensed milk – 3 tbsp

Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp

Margarine – 1 tbsp

Salt – 1/4 tsp

How to make :

  1. Prepare the ingredients, shell the sweet corn. Set aside.
  2. Heat the steamer, steam the sweet corn until cooked.
  3. In a saucepan, pour liquid milk. Add margarine, grated cheese, sweetened condensed milk, granulated sugar and salt, stir until smooth while heating over low heat until the margarine melts. Lift and turn off the stove.
  4. Prepare a corn container. Take enough steamed sweet corn, pour it with milk cheese sauce, top with grated cheese.
  5. Ready to be served while warm.

Tips :

Choose sweet corn that is young, fresh, and sweet.

5. Pudding Oreos

practical oreo puddingpractical oreo pudding
Image : ResepKoki


Crushed Oreos (without white cream) – 6 pieces

Plain gelatin powder – 1 pack

Full cream milk – 650 ml

Granulated sugar – 7 tbsp

Salt – a pinch

Cornstarch solution with 20 ml full cream liquid milk – 1/2 tsp

Ash vanila – 1/4 sdt

How to make :

Layer 1

  1. In a container put all the ingredients of layer 1, mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Turn on the stove and cook until the edges are bubbly.
  3. Then add half the Oreos and mix well, leaving the second layer.
  4. Put the pudding mixture into the mold and let it harden slightly.

Layer 2

  1. In a container put all the ingredients of layer 2 and mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Turn on the stove and cook until the edges are bubbly.
  3. Then add the remaining Oreos and stir again.
  4. Put the dough into the mold.
  5. Leave to set. Serve while cold is better.

Tips :

Don’t wait for the pudding to harden completely for the second layer, just let the top harden and the pudding is still a bit warm so that the pudding sticks together.

6. Coconut Milk Pudding

Resep Puding SantanResep Puding Santan
Image : ResepKoki

Agar 1 – Coconut Milk Layer:

Plain gelatin – 1 pack

Brown sugar – 220 grams

Thick coconut milk – 200 ml

Water – 700 ml

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Pandan leaves – 2 pieces

Agar 2 – Clear Layer:

Agar-agar plain – 1 sdm

Brown sugar – 100 grams

Water – 450 ml

How to make :

  1. Order 1: Boil brown sugar and water until the sugar dissolves then strain. In one pan, combine brown sugar water, thick coconut milk, gelatin powder, salt and pandan leaves. Cook while continuing to stir until it boils. Turn off the stove and let it sit until the hot steam disappears. Pour into molds and fill half way. Continue cooking ingredient 2.
  2. Order 2: Mix all ingredients and cook until boiling. Lift. Leave it until the hot steam disappears.
  3. Make sure the bottom layer so that the coconut milk has hardened a bit. Slowly pour agar 2 over it until it fills the mold.
  4. Allow it to cool and harden completely. Cut into pieces.
  5. Put it in the refrigerator to cool.
  6. Ready to serve after cooling.

7. Banana Roll

sweet banana rollssweet banana rolls
Image : ResepKoki


Kepok bananas – 10 pieces

Keju cheddar, parut – 50 grams

Toothpicks – 20 pieces

Chocolate spread – to taste

Margarine, for frying – to taste

How to make :

  1. Peel the banana, then slice it lengthwise into two parts.
  2. Heat margarine, then fry the bananas until brown.
  3. Flatten the fried bananas using the back of a spoon, spread the surface with chocolate jam then roll. Poke with a toothpick to hold.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese, banana rolls are ready to be served.

Tips :

Choose kepok bananas that are really ripe so that they are easy to roll.

8. Pearl Porridge

Resep Bubur MutiaraResep Bubur Mutiara
Image : ResepKoki


Sago pearls – 250 grams

Granulated sugar – 150 grams

Salt – 1/4 tsp

Pandan leaves – 2 pieces

Coconut milk sauce:

Coconut milk, from 1/2 coconut – 350 ml

Salt – 1/4 tsp

Pandan leaves – 2 pieces

How to make :

  1. Boil water in a pan. Then add the sago pearls.
  2. In the pearl sago stew, add sugar, salt and pandan leaves. Cook until the pearls are clear and thick. Pick up.
  3. Coconut milk sauce: Boil all the ingredients while continuing to stir until it boils. Turn off the heat and set aside.
  4. Presentation: Serve pearl porridge with a splash of coconut milk to taste.

Tips :

  1. Add the sago pearls after the water boils. This method will ensure that the pearl porridge does not crumble when cooked.
  2. If you want it sweeter, you can add granulated sugar to taste. The recipe above is for pearl porridge that is medium or not too sweet.

Read Also: 8 Healthy Iftar Menus for Families

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at (email protected)

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