Home Indian 6 Tips for Making Fruit Salad More Attractive and Fresh Long Lasting

6 Tips for Making Fruit Salad More Attractive and Fresh Long Lasting

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Author: Umi Fatimah

Fruit salad can be a healthy menu choice for breaking the fast. Because apart from having excellent nutritional content for health, fruit salad is also filling and can increase energy after a day of fasting.

Various pieces of fruit combined with dressing will be a delicious and refreshing combination. It’s not surprising that now fruit salad has become a lucrative business because there are more and more fans.

Even so, you can’t make fruit salad just by mixing it in a bowl just like that. you know. There are several tips for making fruit salad more attractive and fresh for a long time. Especially if you want to make fruit salad to serve when breaking the fast together or for selling. Yuk, check out the tips below!

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1. Choose Fresh and Perfectly Ripe Fruit

Fresh fruit is the key to success in making a delicious fruit salad. Make sure to choose fruit that looks fresh and undamaged. You can check the skin of the fruit to make sure there are no brown spots or signs of rot.

Apart from that, pay attention to the maturity level of the fruit. Overripe or underripe fruit can interfere with the taste of the salad. By mixing perfectly ripe fruit, the fruit salad will look fresher for longer.

2. Mix Fruits of Different Colors and Textures

Apart from keeping it fresh, fruit salad should also be visually appealing. Choose various types of fruit with different colors, flavors and textures. Combine fruit with contrasting colors, such as green, orange, red, and purple to highlight and differentiate each fruit in the salad.

In addition to varying colors, consider combining different textures and flavors. For example, by combining sweet fruits, such as mango and melon, with sour fruits, such as oranges and kiwi.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with unusual fruit combinations to create unique flavors, of!

3. Remove the stems and seeds of the fruit

For fruits, such as grapes or strawberries, remove all stems and seeds before pouring into a bowl.

Even though they are small, the seeds on the fruit can be very annoying if bitten. Cleaning the seeds and stems of the fruit will also make the fruit salad look cleaner and make it easier to enjoy.

Read Also: 7 Types of Fruit that are Suitable for Fruit Salad

4. Cut the fruit into uniform sizes

Make sure to cut the fruit into a uniform shape. Fruit pieces of uniform size will provide a neat appearance and are easy to pick.

Apart from that, don’t cut the fruit into large pieces that won’t fit in your mouth or pieces that are too small which could damage the texture of the fruit. It’s best to cut the fruit into small dice so it’s easy to eat.

You also need to pay attention to some fruits that tend to oxidize easily after being cut, such as apples and bananas. If you want to add it, you can soak the apple or banana slices in salt water or water with lemon juice first.

5. Layout and Presentation

Arrange the fruit in an attractive way in a salad bowl, layering it in contrasting colors for an interesting visual effect. Add mint leaves or garnish others on top of fruit salad to give it a fresher look.

6. Serve with Salad Dressing

Use natural ingredients for dressing, such as honey, yogurt, or lemon juice to add freshness. Mix ingredients dressing well before pouring it over the fruit salad so that the fruit flavor remains dominant.

Read Also: 6 Sauce Recipes for Delicious Salad Dressings

By following the tips above, you can make a fruit salad that is not only healthy, but also more attractive to serve and lasts longer. A harmonious combination of colors, shapes and flavors will make the fruit salad you make liked by everyone.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
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