Home Indian 6 Food Options that Contain Iron for Pregnant Mothers

6 Food Options that Contain Iron for Pregnant Mothers

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Author: Umi Fatimah

Did you know that during pregnancy, proper nutritional intake is very important to support maternal health and fetal development? you know! Now, One nutrient that is especially important to consume during pregnancy is iron.

Iron plays a role in the formation of red blood cells which carry oxygen to all parts of the body, including the placenta and fetus. Getting adequate iron intake can also reduce the risk of miscarriage and prevent premature birth. For this reason, pregnant women need more iron to support the growth and development of the fetus and maintain maternal health during pregnancy.

Because iron is a mineral that the body cannot produce itself, it is important for pregnant women to consume foods that contain iron regularly. The following are several types of foods containing iron that are good for pregnant women to consume.

1. Red Meat

chopped raw meat process preparing forcemeat by means meat grinder homemade sausage ground beefchopped raw meat process preparing forcemeat by means meat grinder homemade sausage ground beef

Red meat is one of the best sources of iron from animals, which is more easily absorbed by the body than iron from plants.

However, pregnant women are advised to choose low-fat cuts of red meat, such as sirloin and tenderloin. Make sure to cook it until completely cooked to prevent the risk of bacterial infection.

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2. Fish and Seafood

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Fish and seafood is also a good source of iron for pregnant women, especially fatty sea fish (such as salmon, tunaand sardines). In addition, seafood, such as clams, oysters, and shrimp also contain enough iron and can be a good choice for pregnant women.

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3. Green Vegetables

green leafy vegetablesgreen leafy vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and kale contain iron which is important for pregnant women.

Although iron from plant sources is not absorbed as well as iron from animals, consuming green vegetables is still important to meet iron needs during pregnancy.

Well, there are many choices of processed vegetable menus that you can try making at home. Starting from bobor spinach, various stir-fried kale, to various other processed green vegetables. All of these iron-rich vegetable dishes can be a simple way to increase your iron intake.

Read Also: 10 Healthy and Special Vegetable Menus for Families

4. Tempeh and Tofu

tempe dan tahutempe dan tahu

Tempeh and tofu can be used as alternative choices for pregnant women who want to increase their iron intake in a delicious and healthy way. Not only does it contain quite high amounts of iron, this plant food has quite low levels of saturated fat.

The fiber content in tempeh and tofu can also improve digestion and improve overall intestinal health. Processing tempeh and tofu is also not complicated. You can stir-fry tempeh and tofu with vegetables to make a nutrient-rich dish.

Read Also: Tempeh Tofu Bacem Recipe

5. Nuts and Seeds

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Nuts (such as red beans, almonds, soybeans, and other nuts contain quite high amounts of iron. Not only that, seeds (such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds) are also a food source that contains iron. , which can be used to meet the daily iron intake of pregnant women.

Apart from being rich in iron, nuts and seeds also contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial for the health of pregnant women and the fetus, such as fiber, protein, fat, folate and carbohydrates.

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6. Dried Fruit

All about dried fruit v 2 resizedAll about dried fruit v 2 resized

Dried fruit such as raisins, dates, and dried apricots also contain iron, although in smaller amounts than other sources of iron. Even so, dried fruit can be a healthy and practical snack for pregnant women to consume.

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These are various types of iron-rich food sources that are good for pregnant women to consume. So, make sure you include various foods rich in iron in your daily diet, so you can ensure your nutritional needs are met properly.

Incorporating iron-rich foods into your diet doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, kok. By getting creative in the kitchen and experimenting with various recipes, you can enjoy a variety of delicious dishes that are rich in this important nutrient.

Nah, If you need ideas for preparing iron-rich foods, ResepKoki presents lots of iron-rich food recipes that are practical and easy for you to follow, including for those of you who are beginners in cooking. All the recipes shared have been tested in the kitchen and are ready to become your favorite menu.

Read Also: Eating Fruit Before or After Eating, Which is Better?

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
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