Home Indian 10 Super Economical Processed White Tofu Creations for Old Dates

10 Super Economical Processed White Tofu Creations for Old Dates

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Wah, doesn’t feel like it’s old, nih! What about your daily food menu? If you still want to eat delicious, sultan-flavored food, but your budget is tight in the old days, you can follow the following creative recipe from processed white tofu.

White tofu can be used as a mainstay food ingredient on old dates. Apart from its economical price, white tofu can be processed into delicious and special dishes. Below is a recipe, the chef presents 10 super economical processed white tofu creations for old dates.

1. Tauco Tofu

Practical tauco tofuPractical tauco tofu
Image: ResepKoki


Tofu, cut into cubes – 200 grams

Shrimp, head removed – 100 grams

Beans, cut into 5 cm – 50 grams

Red chilies, sliced ​​– 4 pieces

Green chilies, sliced ​​– 4 pieces

Onion, chopped – 1 piece

Garlic, minced – 3 cloves

Shallots, chopped – 5 cloves

Ginger, crushed – 1 segment

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1 tsp

Sweet soy sauce – 1 tbsp

Tauco – 2 tbsp

Water – 100 ml

Frying oil – enough

How to make:

  1. Fry the tofu until brown and cooked through. Lift and drain.
  2. Heat some oil. Saute the onions, white and red onions with ginger and bay leaves until fragrant and cooked.
  3. Add the shrimp and cook until the shrimp are cooked.
  4. Add the chickpeas and pour in the water. Stir well then cook until the beans are cooked and the water has reduced.
  5. Add tofu, red chilies, green chilies, salt, sugar, sweet soy sauce and tauco. Stir well then adjust the taste. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.


There are 2 types of tauco to choose from, namely sweet and salty. If you choose sweet tauco, you can omit the use of sugar in the recipe.

2. Yellow Gravy Tofu Vegetables

easy yellow tofu vegetableeasy yellow tofu vegetable
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu – 300 grams

Bay leaf – 1 sheet

Lemongrass – 1 stalk

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Coconut milk, medium thickness – 600 ml

Salt to taste

Granulated sugar – 1/2 tsp

Broth powder – 1/2 tsp

Frying oil – enough

Ground spices:

Shallots – 6 pieces

Garlic – 3 cloves

Turmeric, roasted – 2 cm

Coriander – 1/2 tsp

Cumin – 1/4 tsp

Candlenuts – 2 items

How to make:

  1. Cut the tofu into pieces according to taste, then fry until crusty, drain.
  2. Heat 3 tablespoons oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Add bay leaves and lemongrass, saute until the spices are cooked and fragrant.
  3. Add coconut milk, season with salt, sugar, ground pepper and stock powder. Cook while stirring until it boils.
  4. Add the fried tofu, cook until the spices are absorbed, while stirring gently so that the coconut milk doesn’t break.
  5. Correct the taste, lift it if it’s right. Serve with a sprinkling of fried onions.


Choose white tofu that is firm and not soft, so that it doesn’t fall apart easily when processed.

3. Tofu Chili Salt

know chili salt fragrantknow chili salt fragrant
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu, cut into small squares – 6 pieces

Garlic – 10 cloves

Cayenne pepper – 10 pieces

Onions – 2 stalks

Salt – 1 tsp

Broth powder – 1 tsp

Cornstarch – 4 tbsp

Wheat flour – 4 tbsp

Oil – enough

How to make:

  1. Slice the tofu into small squares.
  2. Finely chop the garlic, chilli and spring onion. Set aside first.
  3. Prepare a tightly closed container, add cornstarch, all-purpose seasoning flour and tofu that has been cut. Close tightly then shake so that the tofu is coated in flour.
  4. Heat enough oil, fry the tofu until golden brown, remove and set aside.
  5. Heat a little oil, saute the garlic until fragrant, add the chili salt and stock powder then fry briefly.
  6. Add the fried tofu, stir until the tofu is evenly mixed with the spices. Add sliced ​​spring onions, cook briefly until wilted.
  7. Salted chili tofu is ready to be served.


The dosage for each type of flour can be adjusted to taste.

4. Tofu Rambutan

dry rambutan tofudry rambutan tofu
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu, puree – 200 grams

Chicken fillet, chopped – 100 grams

Quail eggs, boiled and peeled – 20 pieces

Chicken egg – 1 item

Garlic, crushed – 3 cloves

Wheat flour – 2 tbsp

Spring onions, thinly sliced ​​– 1 stem

Salt – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1/2 tsp

Pepper – 1/2 tsp

Dry noodles, roughly crushed – 200 grams

Frying oil – enough

How to make:

  1. In a bowl, mix tofu, chopped chicken, chicken eggs, garlic, flour, green onions, salt, sugar and pepper. Stir well.
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture then flatten it in the palm of your hand. Place 1 quail egg in the middle of the mixture. Cover and roll the dough into a ball shape. Do this until the dough runs out.
  3. Roll the balls in the dry noodle mixture until they are completely coated.
  4. Heat lots of oil. Fry the tofu balls in hot oil over low-medium heat. Cook until brownish yellow. Lift and drain.
  5. Ready to be served.


  1. Chicken meat can be replaced or combined with shrimp meat.
  2. Press the noodles onto the tofu ball so that the noodles stick perfectly.

5. Teriyaki Tofu

special teriyaki tofuspecial teriyaki tofu
Image: ResepKoki


Large white tofu, cut into 2×2 cubes then fried until skinned – 3 pieces

Ear mushrooms, soak in warm water until soft then cut into pieces – 100 grams

Onion, sliced ​​in half rings – 1 piece

Red bell pepper, cut into cubes – 1/4 fruit

Green peppers, cut into squares – 1/4 pieces

Garlic, crushed – 5 cloves

Teriyaki sauce – 7 tbsp

Soy sauce – 1 tbsp

Ground pepper – 1 tsp

Water – 100 ml

Oil, for frying – to taste

How to make:

  1. Heat the oil. Saute the onion until slightly wilted.
  2. Add garlic. Continue sauteing until fragrant and cooked.
  3. Add red peppers, green peppers, wood ear mushrooms and fried tofu. Stir well.
  4. Add teriyaki sauce, soy sauce and ground pepper. Stir well.
  5. Pour in water. Stir and cook until the sauce is absorbed and reduced. Correct the taste. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.


Teriyaki sauce and soy sauce already provide a salty taste, so there is no need to add salt.

6. Cassava Leaf Tofu Roll

Rolade knows practical cassava leavesRolade knows practical cassava leaves
Image: ResepKoki


Cassava leaves, pick the leaves – 1 bunch

White tofu, crushed – 200 grams

Eggs, beaten – 1 egg

Leeks, puree – 1 stem

Garlic, crushed – 2 cloves

Coriander, ground – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1/2 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Chicken stock powder – 1/2 tsp

Aluminum foil, for wrapping – as needed

Oil, for frying – to taste


Eggs, beaten – 2 eggs

How to make:

  1. Boil water in a pan and add a little salt. Boil cassava leaves until cooked and tender. Lift and drain. Squeeze the cassava leaves until dry. Set aside.
  2. In a container, mix the know with garlic, coriander, pepper, sugar, salt, leeks, and eggs. Stir well.
  3. Prepare a sheet of aluminum foil. Place the tofu on top and spread it out until it reaches the width of the aluminum. Place the cassava leaves on top of the tofu and spread evenly.
  4. Roll the roulade slowly (like rolling sushi) while compacting it. Wrap with aluminum foil. Twist or close at both ends.
  5. Steam the roulade rolls for 20 minutes until cooked. Lift and remove the roulade roll. Leave it to cool.
  6. Unwrap the foil from the roulade and cut it into pieces.
  7. Heat plenty of oil in a frying pan. Prepare the dipping ingredients, namely beaten eggs.
  8. Dip each piece of roulade in egg then fry until browned. Lift and drain.


  1. Choose white tofu that is new and fresh so that it tastes delicious.
  2. After steaming, let the roulade cool completely, then cut it so it doesn’t fall apart.

7. Bakwan Tofu

Cheap tofu bakwanCheap tofu bakwan
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu, crushed – 250 grams

Carrots, sliced ​​– 2 pieces

Cabbage, sliced ​​– 1/4 piece

Spring onions, sliced ​​– 2 stalks

Flour – 2 tbsp

Egg – 1 item

Salt – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1 tsp

Broth powder – 1 tsp

Ground spices:

Shallots – 3 cloves

Garlic – 2 cloves

How to make:

  1. In a bowl, mix the crushed tofu, ground spices, flour and eggs. Stir well.
  2. Season with salt, sugar, pepper and stock powder. Stir well.
  3. Add the sliced ​​vegetables: carrots, cabbage and spring onions. Stir well.
  4. In a frying pan, heat a lot of oil. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture then fry in hot oil until cooked and golden yellow. Do this until the dough runs out. Lift and drain.
  5. Ready to be served.


If you want beautiful and uniform round shaped bakwan, you can mold it and fry it at the same time using a non-stick vegetable spoon. Dip in hot oil until the bakwan separates from the vegetable spoon and continue frying until cooked.

8. Stir-Fried Egg Tofu

Delicious stir-fried egg tofuDelicious stir-fried egg tofu
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu, diced – 5 pieces

Eggs, beaten – 2 eggs

Garlic, finely chopped – 2 cloves

Shallots, thinly sliced ​​– 3 pieces

Curly red chili, cut diagonally – 3 pieces

Ginger, bruised – 2 cm

Onions, coarsely chopped – 1 stick

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Soy sauce – 1 tsp

Cooking oil – 3 tbsp

Water – 50 ml

How to make:

  1. Heat cooking oil, saute the shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add ginger and red chilies, stir until wilted then set aside on the edge of the pan.
  2. Add the eggs, stir until scrambled, stir again with the sautéed chili onions.
  3. Add the white tofu, stir gently so it doesn’t crumble. Add a little water, season with salt, sugar, pepper and soy sauce. Stir until smooth and cook until boiling, adjust the taste.
  4. Add the spring onions just before the heat is turned off, stir briefly. Turn off the heat then lift and serve.


Cook the scrambled eggs until they are completely cooked so that the food doesn’t taste fishy.

9. Tofu Balls

ball ball knows easyball ball knows easy
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu – 300 grams

Eggs, beaten – 1 egg

All purpose seasoned flour – 2 tbsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Curry powder (optional) – 1/2 tsp

Spring onions, sliced ​​– 2 stems

Garlic, powder – 1 tsp

Chicken stock / mushroom stock powder – 1 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Cooking oil – 500 ml

Dry Dip:

All purpose seasoned flour – 4 tbsp

How to make:

  1. Mash the tofu then squeeze out the water.
  2. In a bowl, add tofu, eggs, flour, curry powder, spring onions, garlic, chicken stock and salt to taste. Stir together with a spoon.
  3. Take enough dough or weigh 25 grams and round it. Roll tofu balls dipped in dry flour. Do it with the same measure until the dough is finished.
  4. Heat plenty of cooking oil, fry the round tofu until it is firm and golden. Lift and drain.
  5. Tofu balls are ready to be served with chili or chili sauce.


  1. Don’t squeeze the tofu too dry so you can still feel the taste of the tofu.
  2. Squeeze the tofu using a cloth press.
  3. Fry the tofu in a deep fryer so that the fried color is more even and
  4. Good.
  5. When frying, don’t turn the tofu back and forth while it’s still white.
  6. Turn over when the bottom has changed color.

10. Steamed Tofu

Simple steamed tofuSimple steamed tofu
Image: ResepKoki


White tofu – 350 grams

Eggs – 2 pieces

Carrots, cut into small cubes – 50 grams

Spring onions, thinly sliced ​​– 1 stem

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Ground spices:

Garlic – 2 cloves

Shallots – 5 pieces

How to make:

  1. In a bowl, mash the white tofu with a fork until smooth.
  2. Add ground spices, salt and ground pepper. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  3. Add eggs, carrots and spring onions. Stir well.
  4. Put the tofu mixture into molds that have been previously greased with oil.
  5. Steam the tofu for 30 minutes until cooked. Lift.
  6. Ready to be served.


You can add 75 grams of ground chicken/beef/fish according to taste, to make it tastier and richer in nutrition.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at [email protected]

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