Home Indian 10 Healthy and Special Vegetable Menus for Families

10 Healthy and Special Vegetable Menus for Families

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Vegetables are one of the menu items that must be consumed every day. The nutritional content in vegetables is also very necessary to maintain a healthy body. For this reason, mothers must not forget to serve a vegetable menu for the family.

So that you don’t get bored with the same vegetable menus, here we present 10 healthy and special vegetable menus for the family. Even though all the menu is made from vegetables, the taste is guaranteed to be delicious and will make you addicted.

1. Saute Melinjo Skin

Stir-fried delicious melinjo skinStir-fried delicious melinjo skin
Image: ResepKoki


Melinjo skin – 200 grams

Shallots – 5 pieces

Garlic – 3 cloves

Red chilies, sliced ​​obliquely – 2 pieces

Green chilies, sliced ​​obliquely – 2 pieces

Galangal – 2 knuckles

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp

Anchovies, dry fried – 50 grams

Salt to taste

Sugar – to taste

How to make:

  1. Wash the melinjo skin, boil briefly until the skin is soft and tender. Lift and drain.
  2. Thinly slice the shallots and garlic, then saute with the galangal and bay leaves until fragrant.
  3. Add melinjo skin and chili slices, mix well, add a little water.
  4. Add oyster sauce, salt and sugar according to taste, stir well.
  5. Add the anchovies, stir well, cook until cooked and the spices are absorbed.

2. Warehouse

delicious warehousedelicious warehouse
Image: ResepKoki


Long beans – 100 grams

Bean sprouts – 100 grams

Carrots – 2 pcs

Spinach – 1 bunch

Cabbage – 1/2 piece

Grated coconut (relatively young) – 1/2 grain

Ground spices:

Red chilies – 4 pieces

Cayenne pepper – 2 pcs

Kencur – 1 knuckle

Shrimp paste – 1 tsp

Brown sugar – 3 tsp

Lime leaves, bones removed – 3 pieces

Salt – 1/4 tsp


Boiled eggs – to taste

How to make:

  1. Boil separately long beans, bean sprouts, carrots, spinach and cabbage until cooked. Lift and drain.
  2. Crush all the ground spices, then mix with the grated coconut. Stir until the spices are evenly mixed.
  3. Steam the seasoned grated coconut for 15 minutes.
  4. Mix boiled vegetables with grated coconut. Serve with a side of boiled egg.

3. Fried Eggplant

delicious fried eggplantdelicious fried eggplant
Image: ResepKoki


Large eggplant @ 250 grams – 1 piece

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Ice water – to taste

Frying oil – enough


Wheat flour – 5 tbsp

Rice flour – 2 tbsp

Salt to taste

Chicken stock powder – 1/2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

How to make:

  1. Wash the eggplant clean, slice thin diagonally, then soak in salted ice water to prevent it from turning brown.
  2. Mix all the coating ingredients well on a flat plate.
  3. Heat a lot of oil.
  4. Take a few slices of eggplant, roll them over the coating material until they are evenly coated.
  5. Fry eggplant coated in flour in hot oil until yellowish, remove and set aside. Do this until all the eggplants are finished. Serve immediately with sambal uleg or dipping chili sauce.

4. Saute White Radish

Practical sautéed white radishPractical sautéed white radish
Image: ResepKoki


White radish, cut into matchsticks – 250 grams

Carrots, cut into matchsticks – 50 grams

Chicken fillet, thinly sliced ​​lengthwise – 50 grams

Garlic, chopped – 2 cloves

Ground pepper – 1/2 tsp

Salt to taste

Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp

Granulated sugar – 1/2 tsp

Onions, finely chopped – 1 stick

Water – 100 ml

Cooking oil – 2 tbsp

How to make:

  1. Bring water to a boil, boil the radishes for about 10 minutes to remove the bitter taste, then drain.
  2. Heat oil, saute garlic until fragrant. Add the chicken slices, stir until they change color. Add carrots, stir until wilted.
  3. Add the radishes, season with salt, sugar, oyster sauce and ground pepper, stir well. Add water, cook until the turnips are cooked.
  4. Sprinkle with spring onions, stir briefly, then turn off the heat. Stir-fried radishes are ready to be served.
  5. Tips
  6. Test the doneness of the radish with a tablespoon, if it is easily cut with a spoon it means the radish is cooked.

5. Saute Cuciwis in Oyster Sauce

sauté cucuwis in oyster saucesauté cucuwis in oyster sauce
Image: ResepKoki


Cuciwis – 250 grams

Onions, thinly sliced ​​– 1/4 pieces

Garlic, minced – 1 clove

Oyster sauce – 2 tbsp

Salt – 1/4 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/8 tsp

Water – 50 ml

Cooking oil – 2 tbsp

How to make:

  1. Wash the cucuwis, cut off the base and discard if any of the outer layers are damaged. Split the cucuwis into two parts.
  2. Heat oil, saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
  3. Add the cucuwis, stir until wilted.
  4. Add water, add salt, pepper and oyster sauce. Cook briefly until the spices are evenly distributed.
  5. Cover the pan, cook until the cucuwis is cooked, then remove from heat. Stir-fried cucuwis is ready to be served.

6. Vegetable Salad

salad sayur freshsalad sayur fresh
Image: ResepKoki


Lettuce – 5 sheets

Cherry tomatoes – 10 pieces

Cucumber – 1/2 piece

Yellow bell pepper – 1 piece

Purple cabbage – 1/4 piece

Lime Dressing:

Lime juice – 3 tbsp

Honey – 2 tbsp

Olive oil – 3 sdm

Mayonnaise – 2 sdm

Garlic, finely chopped – 1 piece

Salt – 1/4 tsp

Ground black pepper – to taste

How to make:

  1. Wash lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and purple cabbage. Cut all vegetables according to taste.
  2. Mix all the dressing ingredients, then stir well.
  3. Arrange the chopped vegetables on a serving plate, then drizzle with the dressing ingredients.
  4. Store the vegetable salad in the refrigerator for 20 minutes until the flavors are absorbed.
  5. Vegetable salad is ready to be served.
  6. Tips
  7. To make it healthier, salt can also be replaced with sea salt.

7. Vegetable Team Rice

healthy vegetable team ricehealthy vegetable team rice
Image: ResepKoki


Rice – 200 grams

Water – 800 ml

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Salt – 1 tsp

Stir Fry Vegetables:

Broccoli – 1 head

Carrots – 3 pcs

Shrimp, peeled – 100 grams

Garlic – 3 cloves

Sweet soy sauce – 1 tbsp

Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp

Soy sauce – 1 tsp

Salt – 1 tsp

Granulated sugar – 2 tsp

Ground pepper – 1/4 tsp

Onions, finely sliced ​​- 1 stalk

Water – 100 ml

How to make:

  1. In a saucepan, boil water, bay leaves, and salt. Add the rice, cook, stirring occasionally, until the water is reduced and the spices are absorbed. Set aside.
  2. Slice the broccoli into small pieces and dice the carrots into small cubes, then boil them separately, remove from heat and drain.
  3. Crush the garlic, sauté until fragrant then add the prawns, sauté until the prawns change color.
  4. Add water, carrots, broccoli, then add sweet soy sauce, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, salt, sugar, ground pepper.
  5. Cook until absorbed, add sliced ​​spring onions, stir well.
  6. Arrange a few spoonfuls of stir-fried vegetables and shrimp into a heatproof dish, add the rice until it is full while pressing.
  7. Steam over medium heat, until cooked, 30 minutes.
  8. Remove and place the rice on a plate, ready to be served warm.

8. Papaya Leaf Buntil

Classic papaya leaf bundleClassic papaya leaf bundle
Image: ResepKoki


Papaya leaves – 6 pieces

Salt – 1 tsp

1/2 young coconut, grated – 200 grams

Anchovies – 30 grams

Red beans – 30 grams

Corn rope / mattress, to tie the buntil – enough

Ground spices:

Shallots – 5 pieces

Garlic – 2 cloves

Coriander – 1/2 tsp

Galangal – 1 cm

Shrimp paste, grilled – 1/2 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Sugar – 1/2 tsp

Gravy Ingredients:

Coconut milk – 500 ml

Cayenne pepper – 10 pieces

Bay leaves – 2 pieces

Galangal, crushed – 2 cm

Lemongrass, bruised – 2 cm

Salt – 1 tsp

Brown sugar – 2 tsp

Oil, for frying – 3 tbsp

Ground Soup Seasoning:

Shallots – 4 pieces

Garlic – 2 cloves

Red chilies – 3 pieces

Candlenuts, roasted – 2 items

Coarse pepper – 1/2 tsp

How to make:

  1. Boil papaya leaves with salt until soft. Remove and drain in sheets.
  2. In a bowl, mix the grated coconut, anchovies, red beans and ground spices until smooth. Divide into 6 parts.
  3. Take a papaya leaf. Fill with one part of the coconut mixture. Wrap it like spring rolls or as long as it closes neatly. Tie with string. Do this until the dough runs out.
  4. Steam the buntil for 20 minutes until cooked. Lift. Set aside.
  5. Heat the oil. Saute ground spices with bay leaves, galangal and lemongrass until fragrant.
  6. Pour coconut milk. Stir continuously until boiling.
  7. Add the puffer and cayenne pepper. Season with salt and sugar. Stir well. Cook until the sauce reduces and the spices absorb into the buntil. Lift. Open the rope that ties the buntil.
  8. Ready to be served.


To reduce the bitter taste of papaya leaves, knead the leaves with salt until the sap comes out. Wash clean with running water. Papaya leaves are ready to be boiled.

9. Vegetable nuggets

Healthy vegetable nuggetsHealthy vegetable nuggets
Image: ResepKoki


Ground chicken – 75 grams

Spinach, brewed then roughly chopped – 2 handfuls

Carrots, coarsely grated – 100 grams

Medium protein wheat flour – 50 grams

Cornstarch – 15 grams

Eggs, beaten – 2 eggs

Onion, finely chopped – 1/2 piece

Garlic, crushed – 3 cloves

Ground pepper – 1 tsp

Ground nutmeg – 1/2 tsp

Salt – 2 tsp

Granulated sugar – 1 tsp

Oil, for frying – to taste


Egg whites, beaten – 2 grains

Wheat flour – 40 grams

Breadcrumb – 75 gram

How to make:

  1. In a container, mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Prepare a baking dish (I use an 18 cm baking pan) then line the bottom with plastic.
  3. Pour the mixture into the pan and spread evenly.
  4. Steam for 30 minutes until cooked. Remove then let cool. Remove and cut into pieces according to taste.
  5. Heat a lot of oil.
  6. Coat the nuggets in flour, then dip in egg white, and coat with breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry in hot oil until cooked and brown. Lift and drain.
  8. Ready to be served.


  1. Store the nuggets in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before frying, so that the breadcrumbs stick well.
  2. If you don’t want to use it for frying, coat the nuggets then store them in an airtight container in the freezer.

10. Stir-fried Ground Beans

delicious ground beef beansdelicious ground beef beans
Image: ResepKoki


Young beans or baby beans – 250 grams

Ground beef – 150 grams

Garlic, minced – 4 cloves

Onion, cut into small cubes – 1 item

Ginger, ground – 1 cm

Red chilies, remove seeds and cut into small cubes – 2 pieces

Oyster sauce – 3 tbsp

Soy sauce – 2 tbsp

Sesame oil – 1 tbsp

Black pepper – 1/2 tsp

White pepper – 1/2 tsp

Water – 50 ml

Margarine, for frying – 2 tbsp

How to make:

  1. Boil the beans in water with the addition of 1/2 teaspoon salt for a while until half cooked. Lift and drain.
  2. Heat margarine. Add garlic, onion, ginger and ground beef. Stir until fragrant and the ground beef turns gray.
  3. Add oyster sauce and soy sauce. Stir well.
  4. Add beans and water. Stir well.
  5. Season with black pepper and white pepper. Stir and cook until the beans are cooked. Correct the taste.
  6. Lastly, add sesame oil. Stir and remove immediately.
  7. Ready to be served.


  1. Don’t boil the beans for too long. The sign that the beans are half cooked and must be removed immediately is when the color starts to change to bright green. Remove the beans, cover with cold water, and drain to keep the green color.
  2. If you like spicy, chili seeds do not need to be removed.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at [email protected]

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